News About Author Hiram J. Bertoch

Hi Guys! Welcome to my own personal news room! This is a place where official book announcements and other musings will be posted, that don’t quite fit into the Lotus Room. The articles here pertain more to our world, where as the articles posted in the Lotus Room are more about Apollo and Ling’s world.

Introducing Fēn

Fēn is one of my personal favorite characters from the Apollo Salvatoir Universe. Perhaps this will be evident in the way that I write about her. She was briefly mentioned in the first book, though not by name. There was groundwork that had to be laid, and we weren’t quite to the part of the […]

Book Two Name Announced

I am very excited to announce the name of the second book in the Apollo Salvatoir Series. Which will be called Apollo Salvatoir: The Dance of Light And Shadow. Book Two is currently schedule to launch in late 2024, though no specific date has yet been announced. There is still much work to be done […]

New Cover For Apollo Salvatoir – Shā-Shǔ The Dragon

In preparation for my second book in the Apollo Salvatoir series to be released a new cover design has been launched for Book One. The purpose of this new cover is so that both books one and two have a consistent design and feel. Book Two is still several months from launching, but other changes […]

Apollo Salvatoir: Positive Kirkus Review

Kirkus is one of the most important and sought-after reviews in the publishing industry. This is because Kirkus has a reputation for being honest, and often downright brutal. They do not hold back. They are known for calling a spade a spade. It is for this reason that authors seek out these reviews and book […]

Rockin Book Reviews Interview

Lu Ann from Rockin Book Reviews was kind enough to interview me, and to share my book with her growing audience. Such a kind and wonderful book reviewer. You can read the details of the review here: Rockin Book Review – Author Hiram J Bertoch Watch The Interview Here:

The Apollo Salvatoir Series – Waiting For Reviews

I have experienced other book launches before. This is not my first rodeo, as the old saying goes. However, this launch is different. Emotionally, this launch means a lot more to me. More than I realized in fact, until after it actually began. After all, Apollo Salvatoir is the first book I ever wrote, back […]

Number One (#1) New Release On Amazon (Children’s Historical Fiction)

I’m not going to lie. Seeing this makes me pretty darn happy! It is just a start, but it is at least a good start, though I have a long way to go. On March 5, 2022 for a good part of the day, my book was listed as the #1 Bestseller for Newly Released […]